The Change Room


Coaching Mentorship

TCR is designed to give you the structure, tools & networks to collapse time frames so you can rapidly increase your revenue & reach. Fast track your capacity to scale with personal branding, sales, lead generation, speaking, business strategy, structure & systems, mindset & leadership.

My clients love my approach because I speak from experience and raw honesty instead of text books. I’m upfront and honest, real and vulnerable. I don’t f#*k around! I’m far from perfect and I don’t aim to be. This isn’t about being coached by someone faking perfection - I’m in the trenches with you, pursuing your results with you every step of the way.

Are you committed to building the connections & relationships that truly open doors for fast-tracking your results? TCR gives you access to a community of high impact entrepreneurs. private networking, closed door access to leading mentors, exclusive parties & invitations.


3/6/12 month mentorship

3 x three day business mastermind events

2 x mastermind leadership days

Free Access to all low price events by Luke Williams

24 1-1 Coaching Calls

6 x Elite Expert Interviews

The chance to speak of Luke’s stages

Unlimited email and WhatsApp access to Luke

Proximity to other movers and shakers in business


Meredith Paige