

3-Day Business Immersion

Selfcare, self-worth and self-love come together to form a powerful foundation for your best self to be built on. When we step up and consciously decide to change our own physiology by shifting our ways of thinking we don’t only heal ourselves, but we heal up to 7 generations to follow. F%#king SEVEN GENERATIONS TO FOLLOW!

This is why each and every one of us NEEDS to step up and start playing at this game of life at a higher fucking level. So how the fk do we do that?

You invest in yourself and you TRUST that there is more for you and you go grab it with both hands, jump in and say “I’m ready, Luke.”

Work 1:1 with Luke Williams in person to:

Build your brand to completion

Set up marketing and flow strategies

Build your audience

Create video content and learn editing techniques

Sales training and pitch practice

Creating a content funnel

Talk all things growth and income

Learn & implement bulletproof strategies to back and implementation on the spot.


Option to fast track your results beyond the 3 days

Take your life & biz to a level you only desire

Radical awareness of it gets to be easy & fun

Responsibility to act & achieve with grace

Proximity to movers and shakers in my business

Expose on my inner circles platforms & offerings

Chance to let your reality be your desires

How to launch a full year with strategy & attainable goals


Meredith Paige